As the Imperial Presidency of George II is nearing its much anticipated doomsday the world would happily stamp "R.I.P". on the Axis of Evil and end the 21st Century reenactment of the Holy Crusade a l’Américaine. But a new American popular religion is rising on the not-so-distant political horizon. And it is bound to eventually shine its rays down on us all.
It believes in Government, it praises Diversity, it admires the invisible helping hand from above and it sacrifices individual freedoms on the altar of communal good. Its believers range from the post-industrial new class to young net roots activists, from left-behind slum dwellers to elites of the information age. Their motto is all-encompassing, their gatherings ecstatic, their preaching declares the coming of a brave new world, where differences, social and sexual, racial and economic shall be overcome. And all equally created men, women and in-betweens shall live happily ever after enjoying universal healthcare and eternal top-down benefits.
Dedicated volunteers’ service to the cause is the backbone of the nation-wide project to illuminate hypocrites, engage them in the common cause and deliver the Good News that their Leader is ready come Day One. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad!
No wonder, the followers’ contribution to the sacred mission is extraordinary and awe-inspiring. The liberal media can hardly take its eyes off of the spectacle. So it gives its own alms by launching a private war for opinions, “Reclaiming the Dream” which was confiscated by the greedy charlatans.
Against all odds and big business adversaries, gracious donations are endlessly pouring in, raising Right eyebrows and millions of dollars. Now the Messenger embarked on a worldwide tour to spread the word that Change is around the corner of K Street, one only has to Believe in it.
Judgment Day is yet to come.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
A Great Prophet is Risen Up
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12:09 PM